Hi! I'm looking at using the subversion libraries to handle data, and
I would like to integrate them into an application for
revisioning/managing computer aided design geometry information.
Looking over the client API, it seems to assume that a checkout will
result in a file in a filesystem path (e.g. a working checkout). Is
there a way to request in C the straight-up data from the svn
repository without bothering the disk, e.g. checkout svn checkout
file://repository/datafile1 and have it returned as a char * array or
some other binary form in C? Based on my current understanding I
would have to checkout the file in question to a working directory and
read it in from there to get it in memory - is that true or is there
another, lower level API that doesn't require that step? I have a
situation where I have potentially thousands of files, some large and
some small, that all need to be individually tracked and then combined
into single larger files. It can really kill performance to have to
involve the filesystem and write out lots of individual tiny files -
ideally I'd like to send information to/from the repository using what
would in effect be an in-geometry-storage-file checkout.
Any help appreciated - thanks!
Received on 2011-03-24 09:04:16 CET