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Re: A fix for issue 3471

From: Stephen Butler <sbutler_at_elego.de>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 10:05:30 +0100

On Feb 22, 2011, at 6:54 , Rick Varney wrote:

> Hello,
> I am introducing Subversion into our development environment. We are using a lock-modify-unlock stategy for all of our files. I do not claim this is the best or most efficient way to use Subversion, but it best fits the mindset of the developers at my particular site. We have installsed Subversion 1.6.6.
> We ran into the bug documented as issue 3471: "svn up touches file w/ lock & svn:keywords property"
> http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3471
> This is an annoyance for us, as we are using make to do our builds.
> I am new to the subversion community, though I have had my eye on it for a long time. Here are my questions:
> 1. Is there a way for me to find out if there is planned fix for this issue?

Hi Rick,
There's a roadmap page for larger features,


but for a bug like this, find the issue in the tracker and ask on the
users' list (as you've done).

> 2. If there is not a plan to fix this issue in an upcoming release, is there a way I can find out if anyone else has submitted a fix?

The issue resolution would have been set to FIXED. Or there would
have been discussions on the developer list. So it looks like no one's
worked on the issue yet.

> 3. If there there is no submitted fix, how would I go about submitting one should I attempt a fix myself?

The community guide explains how to check out the source code,
read the key header files, hack the code, run the tests, join the
developer list, and submit a patch.


When you check out the Subversion source, see the INSTALL file
for the list of dependencies to install or build first.

> 4. If I were to attempt a fix, I would likely not be able to spend a great deal of time fully verifying it, given that this is outside of my usual job responsibilities. Is there a way to submit a fix that others could help verify - assuming that there are benevolent souls in the community that do this sort of thing?

There's already a client test mentioned in the issue. That's usually
the first step.

If you submit a patch, others will critique it and test it.

> In short, please clue me in on the conventions of getting or making a fix to a bug I care about. I am fine if the answer is "Read The Fine Manual", but do please point me right manuals.

It seems like you already have a clue. The community guide has
the information you need.


PS: Before you dive in, have you tried the "use-commit-times" option
in your Subversion client config file?


Stephen Butler | Senior Consultant
elego Software Solutions GmbH
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 | 13355 Berlin | Germany
fon: +49 30 2345 8696 | mobile: +49 163 25 45 015
fax: +49 30 2345 8695 | http://www.elegosoft.com
Geschäftsführer: Olaf Wagner | Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 77719 | USt-IdNr: DE163214194
Received on 2011-02-22 10:06:15 CET

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