Ok - you mean that i start a script that iterates over all files and
within over all revisions of the repository
and execute on it your command.
But you say 'and converts that file (in-place) from latin1 to utf8' and i
have no problem with the file-contents itself.
The files have correct contents - including mutated vowel.
My Problem is in the logs.
The log-messages (commit-comments) have mutated vowel and if i try to
show the log-comments of some file with Tortoisesvn or Eclipse-subversive
with JavaHL-Connector
i have a error and see nothing.
So i must correct the checkin-comments.
How can i get this done?
Or does i have misunderstood your trick?
Daniel Shahaf <d.s_at_daniel.shahaf.name>
22.02.2011 07:58
Thomas STEININGER <tsteininger_at_racon-linz.at>
Stephen Connolly <stephen.alan.connolly_at_gmail.com>,
Re: Antwort: Re: problem with mutated vowel in log-message-contents
Thomas STEININGER wrote on Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 07:39:49 +0100:
> do i really understand, that i have to execute this:
> propedit --editor-cmd 'sed --flags'
> on a file? on all urls that are in my svn-repository?
> or how you mean?
On all revisions.
What you'll want is to write a script that takes a filename in argv[1]
and converts that file (in-place) from latin1 to utf8. Then you can use
that file as --editor-cmd.
Something like
% svn propedit --revprop -r $REV --editor-cmd 'perl -pi -e
might just do the trick. (untested)
> -Thomas
> Daniel Shahaf <d.s_at_daniel.shahaf.name>
> 21.02.2011 19:34
> An
> Stephen Connolly <stephen.alan.connolly_at_gmail.com>
> Kopie
> Thomas STEININGER <tsteininger_at_racon-linz.at>,
> Thema
> Re: problem with mutated vowel in log-message-contents
> Stephen Connolly wrote on Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 14:01:52 +0000:
> > unix shell scripting could solved it for you
> >
> > bash
> > for rev in $(svn log ... | sed -n -e "..."); do svn ps --revprop
> > "$(svn pg svn:log -r $rev | sed -e "s/oldstring/newstring/g;")" ... ;
> done
> >
> > I leave the ...'s as an exercise to tgeur reader
> Simpler:
> propedit --editor-cmd 'sed --flags'
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