2011/2/16 Thorsten Schöning <tschoening_at_am-soft.de>:
> Guten Tag Greg Long,
> am Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011 um 18:33 schrieben Sie:
>> - Files in release directories must not be changed or deleted.
>> - Files in template directories must not be copied. They should be
>> extracted instead.
> Doesn't this sound like it should be handled with per directory
> permissions using authz? The only problem is to create Rel/A10 for the
> first time, right? So give Rel normal write access, let A10 be created
> and write new read only permissions for A10 to authz using a post
> commit hook. The hook just needs to know that it have to do so with
> all folders created in Rel, which should be easier than your logic for
> a pre-commit hook sounded.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Thorsten Schöning
I think you misunderstand. It is OK for all authorized users to commit
releases. What I am trying to accomplish is to make all files in a
working copy of a release branch read-only.
It seems to me that the easiest way to accomplish this is through
svn:needs-lock. The files will never actually be locked because they
can never be committed, but when checked out, they will be made
I am looking for a way to enforce the svn:needs-lock requirement when
releases are created. If the files are committed, this is easy. The
problem arises when a development branch is copied into a release
branch. In this case, the files will not have the required
svn:needs-lock property. I could prevent copying any directory into a
release branch, but I was hoping for a more user-friendly solution.
Received on 2011-02-16 13:15:53 CET