SVN post-commit hook: shadow folders
From: Schneider, Wolf <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 22:48:05 +0000
We are trying to replicate the ShadowFolders feature of VSS, whereby each checked-in file that needs it gets mirrored to a reference directory.
To do this, I wrote the following script, which works well except for the actual file copy - svn copy complains about the target folder not being a directory, although it most certainly is. My questions are a) what is wrong with my use of svn copy, and b) is there perhaps a better way to achieve the ShadowFolder feature?
You'll note that my solution allows every file to have a specific shadow folder (by virtue of the associated property), so that they aren't all collected into a single box. It also skips any files without the property set so that only those files which need to be shadowed are copied (a necessity since only a fraction of the files being checked in to SVN need this mirroring). I've tried looking online for an existing script, but it doesn't seem like any have been made available yet.
Thanks in advance for all suggestions you may have.
Here's the scripts (and the associated log):
call %~dp0post-commit-run.bat %* >> %1/hooks/post-commit.log 2>&1
@echo off
rem Under Windows, SVN passes in the repository argument as drive:\path\to\repository, which SVN
rem EXPORT treats as a working file -- to access the repository itself requires the use of the
rem server URL (so that the request is sent using http). The easiest solution is to simply define
rem that URL here and use it in the SVN calls.
rem Note this means the EnvVar needs to be updated each time the script is moved to a new hooks folder!!
set REPURL=https://iss01sb299/svn/icbc
rem Keep track of the SVN components being worked with
rem Get current date and time, formatting for readability
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date/t') do set CURRDT=%%j-%%k-%%l
for /F "tokens=1-9 delims=:. " %%i in ('time/t') do set CURRTM=%%i:%%j%%k
rem Process each file in the revision package
for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('svnlook changed --revision %REVISION% %REPOSITORY%') do call :readProperties %%a
exit /b
rem ========================================================
rem Support functions
rem ========================================================
rem ----------------------------------------------------------
rem Process the associated ShadowFolder property if it exists
rem ----------------------------------------------------------
for /f %%a in ('svnlook proplist -r %REVISION% %REPOSITORY% %1') do if [%%a] == [ShadowFolder] call :readShadowFolder %1
exit /b
rem --------------------------------------------------------
rem Determine the value of the associated shadow folder
rem --------------------------------------------------------
for /f %%a in ('svnlook propget -r %REVISION% %REPOSITORY% ShadowFolder %1') do call :processFile %1 %%a
exit /b
rem --------------------------------------------------------
rem If a shadow folder was defined, copy the file into it; note that this process is running
rem as the server resource, so the shadow folder needs to be Write privileged for Everyone
rem --------------------------------------------------------
set FPATH=%1
set FOLDER=%2
if [%FOLDER%] == [] exit /b
rem Keep track of what we are doing
echo (%CURRDT% %CURRTM%) Copying %FPATH% to %FOLDER%
rem Extract the filename from the full path
set FNAME=
call :extractFileFromPath %FPATH% %FNAME%
rem Copy the file to the indicated shadow folder
exit /b
rem --------------------------------------------------------
rem Determine the file from a full pathname
rem --------------------------------------------------------
set FNAME=%2
rem if we are at the last character stop the recursion
if [%FULLPATH:~1%]==[] exit /b
rem if the current character is a slash reduce the filename to what follows it
if [%FULLPATH:~0,1%]==[/] set FNAME=%FULLPATH:~1%
rem drop the leading character from the substring and recurse
call :extractFileFromPath %FULLPATH:~1% %FNAME%
exit /b
Post-commit.log (note that I have also echoed the command used to the log - this line was removed from the above script for clarity):
a) Writing to a local ShadowFolder
(02-07-2011 11:31AM) Copying Development/CCSA/Tools/CCPW001/ to C:\SVNtest\RefDir
svn copy -r 601 https://iss01sb299/svn/icbc/Development/CCSA/Tools/CCPW001/ C:\SVNtest\RefDir\
svn: Path 'C:\SVNtest\RefDir' is not a directory
b) Writing to a network shadow folder
(02-07-2011 11:48AM) Copying Development/CCSA/Tools/CCPW001/ccpw001.h to \\MQ01DV299\LIBRARY\ReferenceDir\SVNtest
svn copy -r 603 https://iss01sb299/svn/icbc/Development/CCSA/Tools/CCPW001/ccpw001.h \\MQ01DV299\LIBRARY\ReferenceDir\SVNtest\ccpw001.h
svn: Path '\\mq01dv299\LIBRARY\ReferenceDir\SVNtest' is not a directory
c) Removing the filename from the destination path
(02-07-2011 12:00PM) Copying Development/CCSA/Tools/CCPW001/ccpw001.h to \\MQ01DV299\LIBRARY\ReferenceDir\SVNtest
svn copy -r 604 https://iss01sb299/svn/icbc/Development/CCSA/Tools/CCPW001/ccpw001.h \\MQ01DV299\LIBRARY\ReferenceDir\SVNtest
svn: Path '\\mq01dv299\LIBRARY\ReferenceDir\SVNtest' is not a directory
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wolf Schneider
IS Claims Services (Claim Initiation / Litigation)
ICBC - building trust. driving confidence.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
404-35 Strachan-Bortnick Building (Head Office)
151 W. Esplanade North Vancouver
British Columbia V7M 3H9
direct: 604-982-7296
facsimile: 604-443-4500
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