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Re: Commit fails with path not found

From: Pazmi駉 Maz髇, Iv醤 Andr閟 <iapm270409_at_sri.ad>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 08:53:09 -0500

Hello David, thanks so much your help.
I can't get to the first step yet. Once I have updated the project and
have no ! marks anymore, all the conflicting directories are marked
with ?, but when trying to commit it complains because the target
directory is missing

svn commit
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Directory '.../recursos-revision/recursos-revision-ear/target/.svn'
containing working copy admin area is missing

-----Original Message-----
From: David Weintraub <qazwart_at_gmail.com>
To: iapazmino_at_sri.gob.ec
Cc: users_at_subversion.apache.org
Subject: Re: Commit fails with path not found
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 10:01:27 -0500

It looks like you deleted the target directories, but you didn't do an
"svn update". I can see that because "svn status" is putting "!" in
front of the target directories.

Your next step is to do an "svn update" which will recreate the "target"
directories, but as directories Subversion is tracking (they'll have
the .svn directory in them.

Once that is done, you should simply see files with "?" in front of them
and no more "!" or "~". Then, you should be able to commit -- at least
from the command line via "svn commit".

Once you've done the commit, we have your working directory and the
Subversion server more or less in agreement. We can finally clean up the
rest of the mess:

STEP #1: Using the "svn delete" command from the command line, delete
the target directories. That will remove them from the Subversion
repository. You can never, ever have Maven "target" directories in your
Subversion repository. This confuses the heck out of Subversion.

STEP #2: Once you've removed these target directories, do another "svn
commit". Those "target" directories are no longer in your Subversion

STEP #3: Once we've cleaned up the "target" directory mess, you can take
care of all those directories in your "svn status" that show a "?".
These directories look like source directories, but aren't in your
Subversion repository. If you need them in Subversion, use an "svn add"
to add them in.

STEP #4: Do another "svn status". You shouldn't be getting any lines
that start with "~" or "!" or "?". The only lines you should be getting
start with "A" which means you've added the missing directories to your
Subversion repository.

STEP #5: Do another "svn commit". You've at last cleaned everything up.
All "target" directories that caused problems are now gone. All missing
source directories and files are now in Subversion. In theory, someone
should now be able to checkout the project and do a build.

OPTIONAL, BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED STEP #6: Now that everything is cleaned
up, it'll be nice if we could keep it this way. There are two things you
can do:

     1. Add the property "svn:ignore=target" to the directories where
        "target" directories are built. This will help prevent someone
        from accidentally adding these "target" directories back into
        your Subversion repository. They won't show up as new, but
        missing Subversion elements in status reports, and if you do a
        massive add, they won't get added. It is still possible for
        someone to purposefully add them back into your Subversion
     2. If you have such a pre-commit trigger, set it so you can't add
        directories called "target" to your Subversion repository.
Once you've completed all of these steps, I recommend that you delete
the project in Eclipse and recheck it out, and make sure you can build
it and everything works.

David Weintraub
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Received on 2011-01-24 14:51:26 CET

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