This project went through some big refactoring. It was not a maven
project at first and had very different directories structure. The
modules did not exist before so all the -ejb -ear and -web directories
are new and the source and other files inside were originally in
directories on the root directory.
I've looked into some of the problem directories and no one is marked
with (!)
-----Original Message-----
From: David Weintraub <>
Subject: Re: Commit fails with path not found
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 16:56:35 -0500
Interesting. These look like directory names. The ones that start with
"?" are not under Subversion control. Are these the ones you moved? The
directoy is "src/main/java/...", so I assume these should be under
version control. Did you move your directories around?
The strange thing is the "~" mark. This is for versioned items that are
obstructed. For example, if I delete a directory, and put a file in its
place. However, these are for "target" directories which I assume should
not be under version control. Did you put the "target" directory under
revision control? The "obstructed version object flag" (~) could happen
if you delete the revisioned target directories and then put duplicate
non-revisioned "target" directories in their place.
Are there any directories or files showing up with the "missing
flag" (!)?
2011/1/5 Pazmi帽o Maz贸n, Iv谩n Andr茅s <>
Thanks a lot David!
This is the output to my status command:
M .
~ recursos-revision-ejb/target
~ recursos-revision-ear/target
~ recursos-revision-web/target
? recursos-revision-web/src/main/config
? recursos-revision-web/src/main/webapp
? recursos-revision-web/src/main/java/ec
A .settings
A .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
A .settings/org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
The command was run on the projects base directory.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Weintraub <>
Subject: Re: Commit fails with path not found
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 12:08:27 -0500
2011/1/4 Pazmi帽o Maz贸n, Iv谩n Andr茅s <>:
> I just moved the directories within the IDE, it's eclipse, and
> them for quite long before being ready to commit. I'm using
> plugin.
If you don't have the command line Subversion client installed,
it on your system, and try the following:
Go to the directory where your files are checked out and run:
C> svn status
This will print out the status of the various files in your
directory. If the first column is an exclamation point (!), it
that the file exists in Subversion, but does not exist in your
directory. If the first column of the report is a question mark
(?), it
means that the item is not under version control.
I have a feeling that when you moved files around with Eclipse,
didn't inform Subversion what you were doing, and you'll see the
in the directory where they were moved starting with a "?" and
in the
directory where they were moved from, you'll see a "!".
I just played around with my Subversion install, and see the
H:\svn> move File
H:\svn> svn status
? File\
M updateRms.cqpl
I first moved the file "" to the File directory, and
ran "svn
The first line in the status report is telling me that the file
"" is under the "File" directory, but is not under
control. The second line is telling me that the file ""
be in the current directory, but isn't found there. Subversion
may not
let me commit my changes. (It might, but I'm not going to see
What I should have done was:
H:\svn> svn move File
A File\
Which would have not only moved the file, but told Subversion
that I was
moving the file. If I do that, my "svn status" report looks like
H:\svn> svn status
A + File\
M updateRms.cqpl
Subversion is now showing me that I am adding a file called
to the "File" directory, and I'm deleting this file from the
directory. I can now do a "svn commit".
I don't have a copy of Eclipse in front of me, but you need to
do all
SCM stuff using the "Team" menu item in the drop down menu when
click on a file. I believe you can move files from there.
It could be that Eclipse is suppose to track drag and drop
changes for
SCM files, and it's not which would be an Eclipse issue. There
may be
someone on this list who can help you out, but you might have to
ask at
an Eclipse support site.
So, run the "svn status" command and show us the output. It'll
allow us
to more easily identify the issues you're having.
David Weintraub
David Weintraub
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Received on 2011-01-06 16:48:39 CET