On Dec 13, 2010, at 03:59, Ted To wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Dec 2010 21:32:14 -0500
> Ted To <rainexpected_at_theo.to> wrote:
>> I know this is a common problem but I'm at a complete loss. Nothing
>> that I've seen in the interwebs appears to be applicable. I recently
>> migrated my server to a linode VPS and the apache based subversion
>> server seems to have stopped working for commits. Nothing should have
>> changed except the kernel. I can checkout repositories fine but a
>> checkin gives me:
>> svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response
>> to PUT request for
>> '/svn/search/!svn/wrk/854b5354-a103-443f-9e5e-94c8a965eaa5/x'
>> Any suggestions at all will be most helpful.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Ted
> I've isolated it to a recent change I made in my virtual host
> configuration file -- I changed "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride
> all". I needed to do this because I recently started using a cms that
> requires it for mod_rewrite to work.
Put that .htaccess file in a place where only that CMS, and not Subversion, can see it.
> I can "svn ci
> http://anothervhost.com/svn/myrepo" but this is a little unsatisfying
> to me.
That doesn't seem syntactically sound. "svn ci" doesn't accept a URL argument....
Received on 2010-12-14 01:57:51 CET