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-----Original Message-----
> From: Jochen Wuttke [mailto:wuttkej_at_usi.ch]
> Sent: 10 December 2010 11:03
> To: users_at_subversion.apache.org
> Subject: Strange meta-data problem when checking out
> Hi,
> when I try a fresh checkout from a shared repository I get
> the following error message:
> svn: In directory 'prospectus'
> svn: Can't open file
> 'prospectus/.svn/tmp/text-base/prospectus.tex.svn-
> base': No such file or directory
> A friend also tried a fresh checkout and got the same error.
> I tried 'svnadmin verify' on the repository and it verifies
> all revisions. I looked at the files stored in that offending
> directory via svnlook to see if someone tried to add the
> meta-data from .svn to the repository somehow, but did not
> see anything that shouldn't be there (i.e. only the files we
> need, no meta-data).
> I tried google for some hints on what causes this problem and
> how to fix it, but didn't find much that is promising. If at
> all possible I'd like to avoid restoring a backup, and since
> all revisions verify, I wouldn't now which revisions to dump
> to repair the problem.
> Any ideas?
What is the exact command? What is the SVN version? OS?
Received on 2010-12-10 12:35:36 CET