On 11/27/10 3:59 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Les Mikesell!
>>> thanks for having responded.
>>> Can I file a feature request for that in the issue tracker,
>>> what do you think?
>>> @Ryan: Of course with a peg rev I can log that single rev. But the
>>> rev number of that rev is that what we are looking for! To find out
>>> this rev number, we want to use an earlier peg rev where we know
>>> that the file still existed and want to add "-r1:head" as operative
>>> revs to see all revs including the rev where the file was deleted.
>> The deletion should show in an 'svn log -v' of the directory where the file was
>> deleted.
> That directory was deleted as well. As well, at unknown revision. Multiple times.
> The question is not that we can work around the issue, the question is, why
> Subversion can't do this for us?
Because the file doesn't exist in the revision where it was deleted so there's
nothing for the log to be about. The change for that rev happened in the
directory above.
> I can understand that it's not easy to track deletes/copies forward, but
> tracking history from creation time to deletion(renamind implies
> deletion) time should be possible IMO.
It is not that it isn't tracked. It just isn't tracked where you are looking
for it.
> And this should be possible without user's guesswork. It's fairly simple to
> find correct revision range in repository with 40 commits.
> In repository with 40,000 commits things became "a bit" scary.
Subversion tracks things backwards from a starting point that is either
something that exists or a peg revision where it did exist. You can find where
things were deleted with a 'log -v' of a directory high enough in the repository
to contain the change, then use the previous revision as the peg rev for the
thing you want to log from there back while it existed.
Les Mikesell
Received on 2010-11-28 03:33:47 CET