I am considering using CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2.1 (for Windows 32 bit) for version control during the development of a computer game. I plan to sell this computer game once its completed and hence do not want to share with the world for free all of the source code, images, etc that make up the completed game. CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2.1 (for Windows 32 bit) is licensed under the Affero General Public License - version 3, I have read the license but do not understand it. Can anyone please tell me if I can use CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2.1 (for Windows 32 bit) for version control during the development of a computer game while legally preventing others from viewing, copying, modifying, using, distributing, and selling source code, images, etc that are developed for this game?
If the answer is no, is there a Windows subversion binary that can meet my requirements or does the subversion source code meet my requirements?
Received on 2010-09-21 05:45:43 CEST