I have a problem with using the relative syntax for svn:externals.
I get error message "...is not the same repository as..."
Note that I have 3 externals (all referencing the same file)
and only the first of them (with absolute URL) works.
It seems that svn skips the port number when expanding the relative URL to the absolute.
It says 'http://atsalz132/repo' instead of ''http://atsalz132:80/repo'
Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
* URL of my repository: "http://atsalz132:80/repo/TestZwi/Test1"
* content of "svn:externals" property:
//atsalz132:80/repo/TestZwi/Test1/Testverzeichnis/testdatei.txt linked_URL
/repo/TestZwi/Test1/Testverzeichnis/testdatei.txt linked_hostname
^/TestZwi/Test1/Testverzeichnis/testdatei.txt linked_reporoot
* svn output when trying to do an update:
*** Update
svn update " D:\Safety\EclipseWorkspacePolarion\PolarionTest1\Testverzeichnis\extTestDir " -r HEAD --depth infinity
Fetching external item into D:/Safety/EclipseWorkspacePolarion/PolarionTest1/Testverzeichnis/extTestDir/linked_URL
At revision 1822
Fetching external item into D:/Safety/EclipseWorkspacePolarion/PolarionTest1/Testverzeichnis/extTestDir/linked_hostname
Invalid switch
svn: 'http://atsalz132:80/repo/TestZwi/Test1/Testverzeichnis/extTestDir'
is not the same repository as
Fetching external item into D:/Safety/EclipseWorkspacePolarion/PolarionTest1/Testverzeichnis/extTestDir/linked_reporoot
Invalid switch
svn: 'http://atsalz132:80/repo/TestZwi/Test1/Testverzeichnis/extTestDir'
is not the same repository as
Fetching external item into D:/Safety/EclipseWorkspacePolarion/PolarionTest1/Testverzeichnis/extTestDir/linked_parentdir
Invalid switch
svn: 'http://atsalz132:80/repo/TestZwi/Test1/Testverzeichnis/extTestDir'
is not the same repository as
At revision 1822
*** Warning (took 00:05.078)
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