>Is it a requirement that the file be changed each time (and thus part of a
commit), or just that it exists somewhere on the client side >(versioned or
unversioned)? The server will only know about it when it changes since the
svn client is smart enough to only send >differences.
Great question. Let me walk through a scenario.
Let's say if somehow we do manage to implement this hook before the
development/project begins then after the first revision/commit the
project.xml file will also be committed (because we reject any commit if
that file is not there). Now let's say the development further goes on and
now it is time to commit second time. At this time our hook script again
will check for the presence of project.xml file and will also check if the
project.xml got changed or not. If it got changed that means the developer
did produce a new version of this file and we accept the commit. If the
version of the file did not change then we reject it.
Received on 2010-08-31 19:59:42 CEST