Re: Hook to check for a presence of file before committing
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 08:06:02 -0400
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 7:11 AM, Ryan Schmidt
What? Why do you assume that? Tech Geek said nothing of the kind, and
> * There might be a pre-commit hook blocking anyone from committing their project.xml.
Again, what? Why do you assume that?
> * You want to enforce that the developer cannot commit unless they have this project.xml in their working copy, though it will never be sent to the repository.
It looks like Tech Geek has a trunk repository without the *.xml that
Mind you, auto-generating such branches or tags can overwhelm a
> If I understand correctly, then you cannot create such an enforcement using Subversion's server-side hook scripts. Information about the state of the user's working copy simply is not available to the hook script for it to make a decision based on it.
Only because you've added constraints never mentioned by Tech Geek.
> If you can force your users to use a particular Subversion client, you may be able to program something specific to that client. For example, TortoiseSVN's client-side hook mechanism, or if you were using the command-line client, a wrapper script around it that performs this check.
And that might serve his needs if the constraints you've posited are,
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