2010/8/18 Steven Koch <stvkoch_at_gmail.com>:
> Hi
> I'm in a dirt, and would like a help!
> I will describe the workflow of the donkey:
> - Copy the contents of a local branch to another folder and removed
> all references .svn this folder.
> - And later removed the contents of the trunk location, via "svn rm"
> and submitted via commit this change.
> - Copy the content local without the .svn to the trunk local and added
> to SVN (svn add) and after a commit.
> Now SVN does not accept more updates on the svn server stagging
> production and says that since there is already a copy of the content!
> (Svn: Failed to add directory '.. \ w +..': object of the same name
> already exists)
> They claimed that the merge was not working because it gave conflicts
> in all changed files!
> How do I restore the remote repository for the review (3243) before
> these changes??
> "svn update -r 3243" + "svn commit", not restory, because it revision
> exists of already!
You should learn about using peg revisions,
they allow to address paths that existed earlier:
see also Resurrecting Deleted Items,
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
Received on 2010-08-18 14:11:37 CEST