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Granting full access to a directory, readonly access to path to directory, deny access to rest of tree?

From: Vallon, Justin <Justin.Vallon_at_deshaw.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 11:18:18 -0400

Suppose I have a bunch of projects, and I want to grant full access to a group, but no access to anything else. Please don't call me anti-social.


I want to grant full access to proja to groupa, but no access to the others. How can I do this?

@groupa = r
@others = rw

@groupa = rw

@groupa =

@groupa =

However, this does not scale well. When I add projd, I need to make sure that I remove access (@groupa=;) for all the groups that should not have access. That is, I am practicing negative access control (deny access), which is error prone.

Is there a way for the permissions to not be recursive, so that I could grant @groupa access to / without it applying to /**?

We could reorg the repo (/trunk/secret and /trunk/groupa), but that seems like the tail wagging the dog (security issues dictating repo layout).

Received on 2010-08-05 17:21:17 CEST

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