Common authorisation
From: Giulio Troccoli <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 16:10:52 +0100
I am trying to make some common authorisation for all my repositories. This is useful for example to give a particular user or a group of users, svn admins in my case, read-write permissions in all repositories.
I thought I could have two AuthzSVNAccessFile in my <Location> in the Apache confi, but only the second one is considered. I have tried having two files in the AuthzSVNAccessFile but it doesn't. The reason I tried this approach is because I can have more that one authentication file with multiple AuthUserFile, so I thought that maybe I could do the same for authorisation.
Anyway, another approach would be to be able to have some kind of #include in the access file themselves. For example
#include common.access
And common.access:
The idea here is user svn_gt will have read-write access to the root of the repository, while gt and hp will only have read access
Is this possible? I haven't tried #include because it would be interpreted as a comment. It's just an example, I was simply wondering if such feature is available or not.
If that's not possible, does anyone have any suggestion on how I could achieve this?
Linedata Limited
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