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fixing foobared merge with --record-only

From: Sam Carleton <scarleton_at_miltonstreet.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 11:27:25 -0400

I have foobared the branch and cannot merge it anymore. The main
trunk is the next release; the branch (v0.9.4) is the current code in
which I am fixing bugs and releasing point releases, like v0.9.4.1,
v0.9.4.2, etc. I believe where I made mistake here:

When I release code, I tag the v0.9.4 branch to the specific version.
Then when I did a few of the merges, I merged the tag, not the v0.9.4

Now the new things I have had to add, say in tag v0.9.4.3 I added a
file, now it always comes up with a conflict. I am assuming that is
because now that I am at tag v0.9.4.7, subversion isn't able to figure
out the connection between the two tags. On the other hand, it is my
theory that if I had simply always merged in the branch, there
wouldn't be an issue.

Things have gotten worse now that I have added a new folder.

When I asked about this a week or so back someone suggested I use the
--record-only option. How would I go about using --record-only to
solve my problem?

Here is my thought:

Currently the v0.9.4 branch is r1087, the trunk is r1085.

1: Manually copy over all the changes from the current v0.9.4 branch
to the trunk and check in the truck, making revision 1088.

2: Next time I do a merge from the branch to the trunk, I use the
--record-only to copy over starting at r1085.

Is that correct? How does one to a --record-only from TortoiseSVN?

Received on 2010-06-21 17:28:06 CEST

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