matches all paths; ignores for_paths; SVN 1.6.9
From: Erik Hemdal <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 17:50:54 -0400
I'm trying to solve what must be a trivial problem; yet I'm missing something -- probably very basic.
Goal: Use to email for all commits to trunk; send no email for commits that do not change the trunk. I'm OK with being stupidly simple here, so for example if someone changes branches/branch/trunk.c it's ok to send mail. But if the only path changed is branches/branch/foo.c, I don't want to send an email.
Actual results: I get notifications for every change, even if trunk is unchanged at a particular revision.
In mailer.conf I have the following in my [general] section:
for_paths = trunk
There's nothing set for 'for_repos'.
I believe that I am reading the right copy of mailer.conf because I've set the commit_subject_prefix to a non-default value and I'm seeing the prefix that I set up. But I can't seem to get to respect for_paths.
Most of the posts I find in the archives simply point back to the example file, which did not help me. And some more complicated regexes that seemed to be right for others did not work for me either. Regardless of what I seem to set in "for_paths", I get an email for every change.
Obviously I am misunderstanding how is matching paths, but I can't seem to find an answer online, in the SVN book, or in my other references.
If you have set this up correctly, I'd appreciate learning how you did it. Thanks! Erik
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