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RE: SVN Authentication fail

From: Giulio Troccoli <Giulio.Troccoli_at_uk.linedata.com>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 09:10:39 +0100

> authz was modified to create a group including <username> and
> the following line was added, as well:
> [repository: /svn]
> @<groupdefined earlier> = rw

I don't use svnserve but Apache instead. However, I believe the authorizations files have the same format (if that's not the case, please ignore the rest of the message).

That [repository: /svn] looks wrong to me. Since you have started svnserve with the path to the repository I believe that that line should just be [/], because the daemon knows already where the repository is.

devel = user1, user2

@devel = rw

Could you post the entire authz file?


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