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Re: SVN Migration using tar only, is this possible (without dump or hotcopy)?

From: Stonebraker <steve.stonebraker_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 00:57:08 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ryan, I really appreciate your input on this, thank you.

> Probably not recommended. Repositories are not meant to be portable, but dumpfiles are. Though note dumpfiles do not include anything other than the revisions. In particular dumpfiles do not include hook scripts or configuration files; these must be transferred separately.

I would love to dump/hotcopy/svnsync these repos over but they all
encounter errors with those commands. I'd prefer to just disallow all
connections to the repo, tar+lzop, transfer over to destination server
and hook it up to same version of svn.

I'm thinking that in theory this should work (as long as svn is
configured exactly the same on both servers)... I guess i'm just
looking for someone to say, "yeah that might work".

> Could you describe the error in more detail?
When I attempt to dump a 46 gb repo ...

# * Dumped revision 1703.
# * Dumped revision 1704.
# * Dumped revision 1705.
# svnadmin: Malformed representation header

svnhotcopy only copies about 6GB out of 46GB of the repo!

Svnsync fails after eight revisions ...

# ...
# Committed revision 8.
# Copied properties for revision 8.
# Committed revision 9.
# Copied properties for revision 9.
# svnsync: REPORT request failed on 'https://<url removed>'
# svnsync: REPORT of 'https://<url removed>': 200 OK (https://<url

svnadmin verify also errors out

>"Note that Subversion < 1.5 is not supported anymore. Please upgrade if possible. "
I would love to upgrade from version 1.4.0 (r21228) but a number of
repos error out when I attempt to dump/svnhotcopy/svnsync I encounter

At this point we are just going to run a legacy 1.4.0 server (on my
destination server) and the latest visual svn (and just start from
scratch with all new repos). My goal is to just move these old repos
to the destination server by whatever means possible (and as of right
now... the aforementioned commands aren't working).

thank you so much!

On May 13, 2:41 am, Ryan Schmidt <subversion-20..._at_ryandesign.com>
> On May 13, 2010, at 02:35, Stonebraker wrote:
> > I need to move a few very large repositories (one over 30 GB) to
> > another server (both servers use SVN 1.4.0.)
> Note that Subversion < 1.5 is not supported anymore. Please upgrade if possible.
> > Server 1: FreeBSD 6.0
> > Server 2: Windows Server 2003 x64
> > Transfer method: NFS (Network File Share)
> > Are there any issues with just tarring up the repositories and
> > transferring them over NFS to my destination server (assuming no one
> > commits anything) then doing a setuuid and moving over the user
> > database?
> > Will this scenario work?
> > 1. Tar repository (assume there are no commits during tar)
> > 2. Transfer .tar to destination server
> > 3. untar
> > 4. transfer svn user database to destination (modify config files so
> > svn knows path)
> > 5. setuuid on repo
> Probably not recommended. Repositories are not meant to be portable, but dumpfiles are. Though note dumpfiles do not include anything other than the revisions. In particular dumpfiles do not include hook scripts or configuration files; these must be transferred separately.
> > Note: I am unable to use svnadmin dump or hotcopy (both error out..
> > which is why i'd like to pursue this).
> Could you describe the error in more detail?
> Have you already run "svnadmin verify"? Does it succeed without error?
Received on 2010-05-13 09:57:44 CEST

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