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SVN Binary

From: Michael Sync <mchlsync_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 16:56:10 +0800


Here is the list of sites that shares the binary of SVN for Windows
platform. I'm trying to download Subversion ( just subversion not other
clients) from those links. I got this error "
This webpage has a redirect loop" from both Tigris.org websites. So, I tried
to download from CollabNet, SlikSVN and VIsualSVN. But all of those sites
don't have any link to download Subversion. They are encouraging users to
download their products instead of SVN. I'm wondering if open subversion has
some money relationships with those product companies...


   CollabNet <http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion/> (certified
   binaries; maintained by CollabNet <http://www.collab.net/subversion>)

   2.2-compatible; maintained by D.J. Heap <djheap_at_gmail.com>, Branko
    and Troy Simpson <troy_at_ebswift.com>)

   2.0-compatible; maintained by D.J. Heap <djheap_at_gmail.com>, Branko
    and Troy Simpson <troy_at_ebswift.com>)

   SlikSVN <http://www.sliksvn.com/en/download> (32- and 64-bit client MSI;
   maintained by Bert Huijben <rhuijben_at_open.collab.net>, SharpSvn

   VisualSVN <http://www.visualsvn.com/server> (VisualSVN Server; maintained
   by VisualSV <http://www.visualsvn.com/>

Thanks and Best Regards,
Michael Sync

Don't go the way life takes you.
Take life the way you go

Received on 2010-05-09 20:18:14 CEST

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