> I'm using the Subversion 1.6.6 (windows) binaries hosted on
> tigris.org.
> I've configured to run subversion on Apache Httpd using mod_dav_svn.
> I was looking for Apache 2.2.x compatible binaries (free
> versions) for Subversion latest and could not find one.
> Though slicksvn provides command-line tools for subversion,
> they do not ship the apache modules and python bindings.
> I've tried contacting DJHeap and EbSwift on Tigris.org for
> getting an updated version of subversion installer on to
> tigris.org domain.
> And looks like they are not able to generate binaries.
> May I request the team to kindly upload latest subversion
> binaries (as reference implementation) on to tigris.org. or
> apache.org.
> This would help us (the user community) by giving us access
> to the "plain vanilla" versions of Subversion under apache license.
> And not to be tied with any vendor specific product.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sincerely,
> Elisha Ebenezer
Can I suggest that you search the list before posting questions? This
has been covered quite a bit since 1.6.9 was released.
Having said that, I've just checked the apache archive and cannot find a
search function. You could try http://subversion.markmail.org/
Searching reveals a thread with the subject "Re: Tigris binary packages
for Windows" in which a generous individual named David has stepped up
to the task and has provided windows binaries on his own site pending
thorough testing by the community and access to the "right" place to put
Here's the relevant bit for the terminally lazy:
>>>> From: David Darj [mailto:zid_at_alagazam.net]
>>>> Sent: 22 April 2010 21:21
>>>> I have built both 1.6.9 and 1.6.11
>>>> They are available on my webpage http://alagazam.net
>>>> You (and anyone else) is welcome to download and use it.
>>>> The reason I've not announced the release in this (users)
>>>> list is that I've hoped some people reading the dev list
>>>> (where I did announce it) to download and test it first so
>>>> I know my build environment is okey.
>>>> As the web page says all test on subversion itself is running
>>>> ok., but the bindings has not been tested.
Received on 2010-05-06 09:08:25 CEST