On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Tyler Roscoe <tyler_at_cryptio.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:06:40AM -0700, Dan Stromberg wrote:
>> So to make it work well from the start, I need to test it well. To
>> test it, I really want to copy from one SVN server's trunk to another
>> SVN server's repository - flattening a significant part of the early
>> history from the source trunk, and then having as-identical-as-practical
>> checkin comments for the later history.
> Use svnadmin dump and maybe svnfilter to generate a dump file from your
> production repo.
> Use svnadmin load on the dump file to load this massaged repo data into
> your test repo.
> Bob's your uncle.
> tyler
I suppose if I had svn server access, I could svn export an oldish
revision (n), svn import to the new server, and then use svnadmin dump
with -r n+1:HEAD and svnadmin load on the new server... But I don't
have svn server access in this case - to either server. I could set
one up, but then I'd only have access to part of the picture, and I'm
not sure I have enough disk space if I try.
Is there any other way?
I might be able to coax an svn admin at this site to help, but that's
relatively likely to hit some red tape. Is there a way of doing this
without server access?
Received on 2010-04-29 20:21:24 CEST