Thanks both for your help.
You're right I don't like it much :) but at least that gives me a
better understanding of the issue / workarounds.
On Apr 27, 1:21 pm, Bob Archer <> wrote:
> > I'm using the CollabNet Subversion on a Win2k8 system and I'd like to
> > change the default behaviour on a "svn co/up".
> > When I checkout my whole source, it only gets the publicly available
> > part of the tree (even though the credentials for the auth-required
> > part are stored).
> > so if I want to checkout my "private" branch I need to explicitely
> > run : svn co /url/to/private
> > I'd like to change this behaviour and get my whole tree with one
> > single "svn co" command. Would anybody have a clue on how to do that ?
> > Thanks
> Sure, but you probably won't like it. Disable anon access to your repository. Since anon access is allowed at your root svn doesn't challenge for an authentication. So, there for you are going your checkout as an anon user.
> Two ways to provide public access. One, provide a guest account with no user name for your public read-only users... or create a separate URL to search to public read-only users than the URL authentication read-write users use.
> BOb
> --
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Received on 2010-04-27 22:43:54 CEST