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RE: Common name for transaction and revision object

From: Giulio Troccoli <Giulio.Troccoli_at_uk.linedata.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 15:01:53 +0100

> Giulio Troccoli <Giulio.Troccoli_at_uk.linedata.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm writing the hooks for a new repository in Perl and I'm
> exploring
> > using
> OO Perl. In both pre- and post-commit hooks I need the list
> of files, the author and other similar information. My idea
> was to define a class and create an instance of that class
> given either the transaction number adn repository path or
> the revision number and the repository URL. The 'new'
> function will then initialise all the information I need
> calling either svnlook or svn. For instance:
> >
> > my $transaction = new Transaction($txn, $repo_path);
> >
> > Or
> >
> > my $commit = new Commit($rev, $repo_url);
> >
> > As you can see they are almost the same, so it would be
> nice to have a
> single class (I could then check the second parameter to see
> if it's a URL or a path and do things accordingly). But I
> cannot come up with a single name that would encompass both,
> and that's what I'm asking the list.
> >
> > So, any suggestions?
> Sounds like you're duplicating the Subversion Hook Framework.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/svnhook

Well, not really. It's sounds like a very interesting project and I think it should be publicised more, but it's not really suitable for my case (I think).

We use our in-house bug-tracking system and both pre- and post-commit hooks have to interact with that. This does not include only checking if the bug number is correct, but also if the issue has the correct status, if we are committing in the correct branch, etc. I'm sure that could be done with that framework (but please correct me if I'm wrong).


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Received on 2010-04-22 16:02:25 CEST

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