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Sync Fail on svn 1.6.9

From: Andersen, Krista <Krista.Andersen_at_itg.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:09:21 -0400

I have noticed some odd sync behavior since we upgraded to 1.6.9 about four weeks ago.

(Mostly we are pleased with the improved sync performance over 1.6.3 - yay! However...)

First: I have seen commits involving a large number (over 700 paths listed in the log) of files fail with the output:
Transmitting file data ................svnsync: REPORT of 'http://serverName/parentDirectory/repoName': Could not read response body: connection was closed by server (http://serverName)

When we saw sync issue due to revision size in 1.6.3, the output usually said something about chunk size delimiter. So this message is a little new. I attempted the same fix that we relied on before - I created an incremental dumpfile of this troublesome revision, sent it to the mirror server, and loaded it to the mirror repository. This seemed fine - no error output.

Second: When I tried to sync the repos again I receive another failure message:
Failed to get lock on destination repos, currently held by 'serverName:2d2b076c-df40-c50c-eb0a-e4a3a768c044'
Failed to get lock on destination repos, currently held by 'serverName:2d2b076c-df40-c50c-eb0a-e4a3a768c044'
Failed to get lock on destination repos, currently held by 'serverName:56e74c67-1445-4659-927b-9ff36a270e3f'
Failed to get lock on destination repos, currently held by 'serverName:56e74c67-1445-4659-927b-9ff36a270e3f'
Failed to get lock on destination repos, currently held by 'serverName:fdb640ac-97b0-c76b-913c-fa50baf48ee9'
Failed to get lock on destination repos, currently held by 'serverName:fdb640ac-97b0-c76b-913c-fa50baf48ee9'
svnsync: Couldn't get lock on destination repos after 10 attempts

Usually I can use propdel to remove the sync-lock. However it does not solve the problem now. A peek into the repo/db/revprops/0/0 file shows there is no sync-lock. I also noticed that the last merged rev was still one rev behind the loaded rev number - so I edited this hoping it might help - (was no help).

The other thing that is different in this situation (when compared to sync issues from svn 1.6.3), is that the lock number shown in the output is changing. Normally stale locks showed a consistent number after the serverName in the error message. This output shows a changing number.

svnadmin verify of both the master and mirror location show no problems.
svnadmin lstxns on the mirror repo showed about ten transaction beginning with the number of the last rev before the large commit. Removing these from the mirror repo did not help the stuck sync lock.

So does anyone know - where is this new 1.6.9 lock? Why is it stuck? And how do I get my sync going again?

Krista Andersen
Consulting Engineer
Investment Technology Group, Inc.
400 Corporate Pointe, office 835
Culver City, CA 90230
Office: 213.270.7570

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Received on 2010-04-15 20:09:55 CEST

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