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-----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Garrod [mailto:whidbeytomas_at_gmail.com]
> Sent: 09 April 2010 02:01
> To: users_at_subversion.apache.org
> Subject: Getting started with Subversion.
> OK, I'm a complete rube. I don't know the second thing about
> Subversion (I know it is version control). I need Subversion,
> and I don't know where to start. Here are a few facts:
> 1. I have a foundation.
> 2. I need collaborators to be able to work together virtually
> sharing development files.
> 3. We are working with graphics, .swf, .as, .fla, XML, XSLT,
> audio and video files.
> 4. Google Project uses Subversion.
> 5. I have a Mac with 10.5.8 OS
> 6. I don't know where to start with Subversion.
> I don't know what a binary package is, but I do know I need
> to have a version of Subversion on my Mac. Others will need
> to have a version for Windows. Let's start with me, what do I
> need to download? Looking at the options for Mac OS X, I have
> no idea which to chose.
> Can someone give me a start?
I'd recommend starting with reading the book
Received on 2010-04-09 09:44:55 CEST