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Branch from a branch -- will merges still work?

From: Jacob Weber <jacob_at_jacobweber.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 07:17:46 -0800

I'm wondering if the following pattern will work:

- a branch A from trunk, where features are developed, before they're released into trunk
- a branch AA from A, where more experimental features are developed, before they're released into A, and then eventually into trunk. This way, while A's features are still being tested, new features based on them can be developed.

My concern is this:
After we reintegrate from A into trunk, we'll need to revert A to trunk (according to my understanding of reintegrate merges.) So once we do that, will we still be able to reintegrate from AA into A, or will their connection be broken?

Is there a better way to achieve the same result (being able to do new development based on still-unreleased changes)?

Received on 2010-02-18 16:25:44 CET

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