Hi. I am a former VSS user trying to master subversion and have a
question about tagging.
Suppose I have 2 projects, Foo and Bar, which have nothing in common.
Because they are unrelated, I decided to give them their own TTB
directories under /foo and /bar, respectively. Both projects, however,
depend on a Utils project, which has features needed in virtually all my
projects. Because Utils is a general purpose project, I also gave it its
own TTB directories under /utils. Is that strange reasoning so far?
Now I want to tag the release of my Foo project, e.g.
/foo/tags/release-1.0. Since Foo depends on Utils, I guess I need to tag
Utils as well, e.g.
/utils/tags/utils-compatible-with-release-1.0-of-foo? Or should I save
it to /foo/tags/release-1.0/utils? Or is there no need to tag Utils,
because I can use the revision number of /foo/tags/release-1.0 to relate
it back to Utils? In other words, how can I record that a specific
version of one project is related to a specific version of another
project when they're not in the same TTB tree (but in the same repository)?
Looking forward to your advise,
Received on 2010-02-01 11:17:04 CET