Dear Michael san,
I appreciate your response.
Sorry for repeating questions.
All of repository hooks(strat-commit, pre-commit,..) are
invoked when excuting check-in/check-out command?
If then, could I put our required functionality on those hooks?
As far as I understand, I'm not sure how to modify that functionalities.
So sorry for your disturbance.
Thank you and best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From:"Michael Diers" <>
To:"Hiroshi Miyazaki" <>
Subject:Re: HELP regading subversion
>Hiroshi Miyazaki wrote:
>> When we register certain files into Subversion repository (through command line),
>> is it possible to invoke an "hook method (exit routine)", which can add some extra
>> user required own function.
>your best bet, IMHO, is to read up on the basics of Subversion in
>"Version Control with Subversion".
>Regarding your question, perhaps the following sections are relevant.
>Repository Hooks: server-side hooks
>Embedding Subversion: APIs, both client-side and repository-side
>Contact this list again if you have further questions.
>Good luck.
>Michael Diers, elego Software Solutions GmbH,
Hiroshi Miyazaki
1-17-25 ShinKamata, O-ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel) +81-3-6424-6276 (ex. 7053-8779)
Fax) +81-3-6424-6446 (ex. 7053-9081)
Received on 2010-01-22 12:29:02 CET