On 2010-01-15 22:23, Ton Boelens wrote:
> Hi,
> At the moment, my SVN repository is snvsynced to a server in another
> location. I would like to make this remote repository encrypted on the
> file level, so that even somebody who has physically access to this
> server, cannot read the contents of the files.
> I have searched in the svn manual, with Google and in the past couple
> of months posts I have of this mailing list, but I could find no
> reference.
> Does that mean that there is no way to design a solution to this
> requirement?
I don't think this is built into subversion. I've asked about a
similar feature in the past and not gotten anywhere. It would be
pretty slick to have a "repository session key" that is
pgp-encrypted for the committers/reviewers of the repository that
all files (and network traffic) is encrypted with. If the svn
clients managed it all well, it could be pretty seamless. A new
committer would be added to the repository session key, and
revoking a committer would require generating a new key and
encrypting new revisions with it. It would be a great feature
because you could distribute a secure repository onto a public
subversion server and only send private data to and from it.
Alec.Kloss_at_oracle.com Oracle Middleware
PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x432B9956
- application/pgp-signature attachment: stored
Received on 2010-01-15 22:37:58 CET