On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 01:31:36PM +0000, Tim Ellison wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to checkout Apache Harmony on an x86_64 machine using the SVN
> command-line client 1.6.6 binaries downloaded from CollabNet.
> I get the following error (below), which does not occur when I
> subsequently update the top level directory using TortoiseSVN.
> Trying svn cleanup as advised did not help.
> Any suggestions welcome, otherwise I can continue with Tortoise as the
> workaround.
> modules\auth\src\test\java\common\org\apache\harmony\auth\tests
> \javax\security\auth\callback\serialization\TextOutputCallbackTest.java
> [exec] svn: Your .svn/tmp directory may be missing or corrupt; run
> 'svn cle
> anup' and try again
> [exec] svn: Can't open file
> 'modules\auth\src\test\java\common\org\apache\h
> armony\auth\tests\javax\security\auth\callback\serialization\.svn\tmp\text-base\
> UnsupportedCallbackExceptionTest.java.svn-base': The system cannot find
> the path
> specified.
Since you're on Windows, maybe the path is too long for the
filesystem? I seem to recall that Windows had ridiculous limitations
in that domain.
Received on 2009-12-24 15:49:53 CET