I'm equally baffled how to achieve this sub-directory permissioning.
I also recently posted questions about this (see this link)
I tried all of the suggestions, non of which worked. Maybe some will
work for you. I also downloaded and installed subversion 1.6.5, along
with apache 2.2.14 to see if maybe I needed more recent versions. I
still have the same strange behavior, where either the sub-directory
appears to users as if it does not exist, or all users can access it.
Very frustrating...
On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Giovanni Venturi <gventuri_at_nexera.it> wrote:
> In data venerdì 18 dicembre 2009 15:46:43, hai scritto:
>> On Dec 18, 2009, at 05:37, Giovanni Venturi wrote:
>> > I read here:
>> >
>> > http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch06s04.html
>> I don't know the answer to your specific question, but that URL is for the
>> Subversion 1.0 book, which is very old. You should consult the
> Subversion
>> 1.5 book (the newest available so far) to see if the wording is different.
>> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html
> The configuration I need it's described here (I have 1.4.2 svn):
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.pathbasedauthz.html
> and it's the same. Is it a known bug? :(
> Giovanni
Received on 2009-12-21 07:28:23 CET