RE: Re: libsvn_ra_svn\marshal.c line 486: assertion failed (opt || cstr) (was: Re: (no subject))
From: Omar <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 22:54:55 -0800 (PST)
I just had the same error today while working and found this thread by Googling the message.
I am working under Windows XP via the frontend TortoiseSVN 1.6.2 build 16344, 32-bits, based on Subversion 1.6.2. I've been using this setup since one year with no similar trouble (updating TortoiseSVN every few months).
I am currently refactoring a lot of code for the purpose of a new project so it is a bit difficult to know exactly what I did to cause the error. Roughly the sequence of events what:
(modify various files in project1/)
The assert appeared during update (I took a screenshot immediately, it is attached). After closing the box I updated again and I got a message saying that the project2/ tree was conflicted (not sure of the exact term, it appeared red in TortoiseSVN interface). I quickly checked its content and did a Resolve on it and it appears to be working now. I could commit and continue my work from then.
I am sorry my report isn't more clear. If you have specific questions maybe I can remember more of the details.
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