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RE: Migration to SVN

From: Giulio Troccoli <giulio.troccoli_at_uk.linedata.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 15:29:11 +0000


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-----Original Message-----

> From: barveaniketan_at_gmail.com [mailto:barveaniketan_at_gmail.com]
> Sent: 11 December 2009 13:20
> To: users_at_subversion.tigris.org
> Subject: Re: Migration to SVN
> Hi All,
> I am also working on a big project to migrate our source code
> from an old system (CMS running on VMS OS) to Subversion.
> So could you please tell me what process you have followed
> I want know below mentioned points.
> 1. How CMS data is exported to local directory. In my case I
> have around 1000 elements do take copy of each element
> manually its very time consuming & critical job.

We had perl scripts to work with CMS so I never knew the direct CMS commands. However, we worked with classes which I think *are* CMS specific. How to use them in your case it much depends on how you have organised your code I think.

> 2. Suppose once you have exported data to local directory.
> Then what is the procedure to export data to the subversion.

You can use a series of "svn import" or maybe just one and then some "svn copy" and "svn commit". Again it depends on how your code is organised and how you want it organised in Subversion.



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Received on 2009-12-11 16:30:22 CET

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