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Expected FS format '2'; found format '4' error

From: Stuart Reeves <stuart_at_tropic.org.uk>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 13:22:38 +0000 (GMT)


I think this is a common problem, and have found relevant answers on the
web and on the mailing lists, however nothing seems to have worked for
this problem yet, so I apologise if I have missed something obvious.

I'm running svn on two Macs (toga, the client machine and float, the
server are running OS X and OS X Server respectively). The server's
repository has been working fine for a long time. I access the repo via
ssh (i.e., the svn+ssh method). Then something happened and I get the
following message when performing vital svn operations (e.g., up, ci,

[stuartn_at_toga:~/doc]$ svn up
svn: Expected FS format '2'; found format '4'

Both the server and the client have their svn package compiled from the
latest version available on macports, i.e.,

[stuartn_at_toga:~/doc]$ svn --version
svn, version 1.6.5 (r38866)
    compiled Nov 17 2009, 18:14:25

I have hunted around the web for a solution, but it seems like the
recommendation everywhere is to ensure that my svnadmin and svn commands
are all the right version. Unfortunately, both on the client and the
server have identical versions of svn, svnadmin and all the other tools.

As far as I can tell, svnserve is running ok on the server:

[stuart_at_float:/Shared]$ pstree | grep svnserve
  |--= 00114 root /opt/local/bin/svnserve --daemon --root /usr/local/svn

I even checked the format of the repo to make sure I hadn't done anything
stupid (like created the repo with an older version of svn that was
already on OS X):

[stuart_at_float:/Shared]$ cat svn/format

As someone noted on a forum, there are indeed two copies of svn on the
server, however the macports build is being pointed at for everything:

[stuart_at_float:~]$ which svnserve
[stuart_at_float:~]$ which svnadmin
[stuart_at_float:~]$ which svn

I have tried removing subversion from both the server and the client to
use the version of svn found on OS X in /usr/bin (including restarting
svnserve on the server to ensure it points at /usr/bin/svnserve). This
produces the same result (i.e., the error).

I'm sure there *must* be something I'm missing but I can't figure out what
it might be. Any help is much appreciated...

Stuart Reeves

Dept. Computing Science, University of Glasgow
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