[Fwd: mod_dav_svn consumed all memory during a large commit upload and crashed my linux server]
From: Gordon Dickens <gordon_at_dickens.com>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 15:32:52 -0500
I sent the attached email yesterday morning. Since nobody has replied I
In summary, my questions were:
1) Is there a problem in Subversion 1.6.6 that can cause all available
2) If this problem does indeed still exist then what is the recommended
3) Is the following exploit, that takes advantage of a similar bug in
I am wondering if I should be posting these questions to the developers
Many thanks in advance,
Gordon Dickens
-------- Original Message --------
My linux server recently crashed during the commit upload of a very
You can see the memory consumption start to increase at approximately
So, my questions are:
1) Is this a known bug in Subversion 1.6.6? I have found references to
2) What is the recommended fix for this bug, band-aids or otherwise? How
3) Is the following exploit, that takes advantage of this bug in earlier
Many thanks for any replies,
Gordon Dickens
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