Greetings, Bob Archer!
>> >> > I am trying to set up my client so that it uses Notepad++ as the
>> >> editor.
>> >>
>> >> > I have modified the config file and set it as follows:
>> >>
>> >> > editor-cmd = "/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe"
>> >>
>> >> > When I issue something like:
>> >>
>> >> > svn pe snv:mergeinfo .
>> >>
>> >> > The editor does open with the property values shown. But after
>> about
>> >> 5
>> >> > seconds my editor tells me that the file svn-prop.tmp is gone...
>> and
>> >> when I
>> >> > look at the cmd line it is at the command prompt again. Is there
>> >> something
>> >> > special I need to do to tell it to wait until I close the editor?
>> >>
>> >> Use bat file with something like
>> >> start /wait "C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe"
>> >>
>> > That doesn't work. It just seems to open another cmd window... it
>> never
>> > opens the editor. If I close the cmd window it asks me about
>> terminating the
>> > batch. If I add a %1 to what you put above it tries to open the .tmp
>> file
>> > and wants me to find an app to open it with.
>> ...
>> Well... consider you caught me in a good mood.
>> @echo off
>> start "" /wait "C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" %*
>> "start /?" actually tell you this.
> Thanks for that. But, it puts me right back where I started when I wasn't using the bat file.
Then you did something wrong, or you did not gave the correct information to
SVN. When you tell start to wait, it WILL wait until the launched process
exits. I'm not using Notepad++ myself, can't tell if it has any non-standard
behavior by itself. Far has much better editor for all my needs.
Andrey Repin ( 23.10.2009, <4:00>
Sorry for my terrible english...
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