Tree conflict after a simple delete
From: Giulio Troccoli <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:09:05 +0100
I hope someone can help me understand what it's going on.
I am using SVN 1.6.5 on RHEL4 with http access.
We have few development streams, one for each version of the product we still support. All new features are developed in a work-in-progress stream and then merged.
Someone deleted a file in WIP but the merged threw out a tree conflict and I don't unserstand why.
This is what I have done
ln1sub01 gtroccol>svn co http://localhost/svn-icon/5.31/test/src/ic/ud gt
P00016927: (WIP) Removal of Indexation and RebasedIndexation fields in CGTTransaction and CGTCalc file
I don't understand why I have a tree conflict on icudcc31.c. The message say "local edit" but the file hasn't been changed, as the first svn st command showed.
I have seen other posts in the ML regarding unexpected tree conflicts but they are usually about deleting of directories not files, or merging a delete twice in both directions (from trunk to branch and then from branch to trunk), or renaming/moving a file. Now I know this last case is similar to mine, as that it's just a delete and an add in Subversion, but, well, it should work :-)
I have tried, and still am, to write a script that replicates the problem but without knowing why this is happening it turns out a not so easy task.
Anyone can help?
Linedata Services (UK) Ltd
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