On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 02:44:14PM -0700, Ryan Heniser wrote:
> Stefan,
> I am aware of the distinction. But, when I gave it the address as I would have expected the error message suggests otherwise.
> >>> repository = repos.open('http://svn.mpc.local/repos/rnd/framework/muggins/trunk/muggins')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> File "/software/subversion/1.6.5/linux.centos4.x86_64/lib/svn-python/libsvn/repos.py", line 55, in svn_repos_open
> return apply(_repos.svn_repos_open, args)
> svn.core.SubversionException: ("Can't open file 'http://svn.mpc.local/repos/rnd/framework/muggins/trunk/muggins/format': No such file or directory", 2)
That's wrong as well. The "repos" API is all about accessing
a repository which is on a local filesystem.
Try this sequence of commands:
cd /tmp
mkdir dir
echo a > dir/a
svnadmin create repository
svn import -m import dir file:///tmp/repository
repository = repos.open('/tmp/repository')
> The only 'format' file I've come across in my limited svn experience has lived in the .svn folder. What am I doing wrong? I'm just trying to follow http://jtauber.com/python_subversion_binding/
That tutorial isn't very detailed, and assumes prior knowledge,
and you seem to be confusing even very basic Subversion terminology
(e.g. "working copy" vs. "repository"). I suggest that you read the
first two chapters of the svn book if you haven't read them yet:
There is indeed a file called 'format' in the repository.
If you create an empty repository with "svnadmin create" you can
see it:
$ svnadmin create repos
$ ls repos
README.txt conf/ db/ format hooks/ locks/
> Thanks so much for the help! The docs on this stuff is sparse.
Yes, that is a problem.
You could try the C API docs, too, since the SWIG bindings pretty
much map to them: http://svn.collab.net/svn-doxygen/
I've never worked with the bindings myself though so I am not
entirely sure how useful the C API docs are for this purpose.
You can also find some useful information on how to get started
with understanding the Subversion APIs at
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Received on 2009-09-17 00:48:17 CEST