Yves Goergen <nospam.list_at_unclassified.de> wrote on 08/27/2009 04:03:54 PM:
> But it seems there is none and there is none desired by the SVN
> So I headed back to my batch scripts, took out the magic spell book for
> cmd.exe and a few UnxUtils tools and finally managed to create a
> solution that runs as pre-build and post-build commands. The pre-build
> script finds all required tools, the file itself, reads out the revision
> number from a $Revision$ that I have inserted into a comment in
> AssemblyInfo.cs, makes a backup of the file and patches the file to
> replace the fourth version part for AssemblyVersion and
> AssemblyFileVersion with the SVN revision. Then the build occurs. In the
> post-build script, the backup file is restored so it won't show up as
> changed in the project explorer and the developer is not bugged to
> commit it every time.
> It works now. It's a hack, but it seems to be stable enough.
The problem I see with this is that if you ever 'svn export' your source
to some other person who doesn't have access to the repository, they
won't be able to compile, because they will have $Revision$ rather
than a real value.
Like you say, it's a hack. I certainly desire a real solution.
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Received on 2009-08-27 22:18:10 CEST