2009/8/12 Steve Whitson <steven.whitson_at_gmail.com>:
> My direct question is must I dump and reload, or is svnadmin upgrade
> sufficient? I understand neither is required, but if I wish to utilize
> features such as 'packing completed shards' must I dump and reload, or is my
> 'svnadmin upgrade'ed repositories sufficient for features such as this. My
> repositories were recreated and reloaded under 1.5.3.
> I don't see anything that states this with any certainty w/in the book or
> release notes when upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6.x. Possibly I overlooked it?
I believe that just an upgarde will be sufficient to use the packing
complete shards, however the rep-sharing feature will only work on new
items commited. If you want to get rep-sharing working over all
existing data then dump and reload. We did if that helps :)
Actually what we did was restore a recent backup to a test system,
then tested a dump-reload upgrade to see what effect it would have.
The rep-sharing gave us a significant enough saving on disk to warrent
the downtime on the main repository so we went for it.
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Received on 2009-08-12 17:40:20 CEST