Subversion Users
- Symlinks show up as "blocked" in Windows Jim Garrison (2009-08-01 00:36:00 CEST)
- RE: Apache configuration advice Jason Malinowski (2009-08-01 04:19:40 CEST)
- Web configuration interface for Apache/SVN Jean-Yves Avenard (2009-08-01 07:23:53 CEST)
- new setup, status and commits Craig White (2009-08-02 03:49:29 CEST)
- switching between "non-checkout subdir status" to "checked-out subdir" and back Victoria Muntean (2009-08-02 10:51:29 CEST)
- How to allow anonymous browsing SVNParentPath but restrict access to the repos within Chen (陈) Jun (军) (2009-08-03 06:51:00 CEST)
- svn commit stall before relinquish hand Didier Trosset (2009-08-03 09:25:41 CEST)
- How to allow anonymous browsing SVNParentPath but restrict access to the repos within(plain text) Chen (陈) Jun (军) (2009-08-03 11:25:37 CEST)
- Automatic Committing a Folder to A Repository Keith McGee (2009-08-03 14:34:27 CEST)
- Re: copy newly added file Fejes József (2009-08-03 14:55:15 CEST)
- copy flag but no copyfrom URL michael (2009-08-03 23:19:15 CEST)
- Subversion+Apache mod_dav_svn/mod_authz_svn Issues NoahJ32 (2009-08-04 00:26:12 CEST)
- Getting the first revision Dennis Jones (2009-08-04 06:23:07 CEST)
- Can't commit to server when repository is name in Chinese. 春燕 (2009-08-04 08:16:56 CEST)
- Can I view file details when using IE/firefox to browse a SVN repos through Apache server Chen (陈) Jun (军) (2009-08-04 08:26:48 CEST)
- Issue with Write-Through Proxy + svn lock Vivek Payala (2009-08-04 10:47:16 CEST)
- svn list stops on inaccessible directorys Sandro Frenzel (2009-08-04 12:25:47 CEST)
- Planning Subversion and Trac on Windows Joseph, Ray (2009-08-04 14:41:16 CEST)
- Mainframe Upgrade Billy Woods (2009-08-04 15:21:37 CEST)
- sync two copies of a file Mohsen Alimomeni (2009-08-04 15:28:49 CEST)
- Audit trail of copies? Steve Constable (2009-08-04 16:32:39 CEST)
- HELP!! Unable To Log In Richard Lichvar (2009-08-04 20:10:57 CEST)
- --username and --password ignored with NTLM authentication? Craig Holmquist (2009-08-04 21:06:24 CEST)
- How to properly commit to a registry when users use sftp to alter the checkedout repository Paul Williams (2009-08-04 21:54:06 CEST)
- Branch on change feature? Shaun Pinney (2009-08-05 01:26:07 CEST)
- svnadmin dump | svnadmin load breaks peg revisions? Dan Stromberg (2009-08-05 03:58:46 CEST)
- svnadmin dump | svnadmin load breaks peg revisions? Dan Stromberg (2009-08-05 03:59:40 CEST)
- subversion-1.6.3 on freebsd 7.0 Oleg Kravchenko (2009-08-05 09:33:18 CEST)
- How to svn merge without skipped targets? (2009-08-05 09:39:20 CEST)
- libsvn_ra_svn (486): Assertion Failed (2009-08-05 11:37:04 CEST)
- checkout error Bernd Büttner (2009-08-05 13:24:03 CEST)
- RE: Re: Re: Filtering changes to svn:mergeinfo properties Thomas S. Trias (2009-08-05 23:44:21 CEST)
- Is it possible to merge branch changes in the working directory into trunk working directory only having read-only access to repository? Yuri (2009-08-06 01:42:28 CEST)
- svn merge output question. Gavin Baumanis (2009-08-06 04:44:35 CEST)
- Subversion is not reading its configuration file? M. Arif Wicaksana (2009-08-06 09:55:29 CEST)
- Re: Problem committing to a write-thru proxy Tshepo Madigage (2009-08-06 11:41:05 CEST)
- List of checked out objekts Justus Stadler_external (2009-08-06 12:10:22 CEST)
- Reverting tree conflicts may leave an working copy inconsistent with the repository Jan Normann Nielsen (2009-08-06 12:56:16 CEST)
- checkout with client 1.6.3 / server 1.5.5 doesn't complete Bernd Büttner (2009-08-06 16:07:13 CEST)
- Update Error Aaron Boushley (2009-08-06 16:39:07 CEST)
- Urgent Help with Ant and Svn integration. Rajesh KUmar (2009-08-06 17:38:20 CEST)
- problem with asynchronous commits and pre-commit hook Troy Evans (2009-08-06 17:49:07 CEST)
- Keeping backups in Subversion Jan Seeger (2009-08-06 17:47:58 CEST)
- 'svn ls' with depth Steven Woody (2009-08-06 18:22:10 CEST)
- Does Subversion support Classic ASP Nato Castro (2009-08-06 21:37:44 CEST)
- Re: Double file entries after merge of moves/refactoring; possible bug? Paul Burba (2009-08-06 22:16:23 CEST)
- configure --with-berkeley-db broken [subversion 1.6.4] Bob Chapman (2009-08-07 04:53:40 CEST)
- Re: File UUIDs and equivalence Andreas Kreß (2009-08-07 10:28:57 CEST)
- (no subject) Amon van Mechelen (2009-08-07 10:03:27 CEST)
- Slow post-commits causing long time to commit on user's side. Jan Du Toit (2009-08-07 15:11:24 CEST)
- switch problem Matthias Meixner (2009-08-07 15:37:47 CEST)
- SVN Move with history aaron searle (2009-08-07 17:13:19 CEST)
- Move several repositories into on but keeping the history? Steve Constable (2009-08-07 17:25:09 CEST)
- Cross-OS SVN working copy compatibility issues andy flem (2009-08-07 19:56:16 CEST)
- upgrade from 1.5.4 to 1.6.4 Steve Whitson (2009-08-07 22:15:53 CEST)
- Andreas Kress is out of the office. Andreas Kreß (2009-08-08 16:03:40 CEST)
- Unresolved external symbols Robert Dailey (2009-08-09 02:56:51 CEST)
- svnsync fails: Can't move '<path>/revprops/742.tmp' to '<path>/revprops/742' Permission Denied buildlackey (2009-08-10 08:04:44 CEST)
- Re: svnsync fails: Can't move '<path>/revprops/742.tmp' to '<path>/revprops/742' Permission Denied Stephen Connolly (2009-08-10 12:06:27 CEST)
- Show progress in post-commit hook to user Lars Tiefland (2009-08-10 16:58:00 CEST)
- Can't authenticate with svnserve + SASL Rippit the Ogg Frog (2009-08-10 19:18:53 CEST)
- Erro when commit ikami garajau de castilho (2009-08-10 20:45:58 CEST)
- RE: Resizing an existing repository while keeping the revision numbering TH Lim (2009-08-11 08:31:12 CEST)
- Can't import a eclipse project fxbird (2009-08-11 10:15:14 CEST)
- Comparing 2 PDF files. Praveena K M (2009-08-11 12:29:02 CEST)
- Re: Res: Erro when commit Ryan Schmidt (2009-08-11 15:30:27 CEST)
- Problems getting subclipse to work on mac os x with subclipse Stef Kuypers (2009-08-11 15:05:04 CEST)
- mod_dav_svn crashing with SVNListParentPath Chris Huseman (2009-08-11 16:24:13 CEST)
- Re: parse tlsext bug Greg Troxel (2009-08-11 20:35:51 CEST)
- Quick question... Ehsan Yassir (2009-08-11 23:03:30 CEST)
- unsubscribe info (2009-08-11 23:24:26 CEST)
- RE: Cleanup merge-info in source Adrian Shum (2009-08-12 05:40:19 CEST)
- Breaking access-control in multiple files? Adrian Shum (2009-08-12 05:52:46 CEST)
- svn: Authorization failed Erick Calder (2009-08-12 03:39:41 CEST)
- SVN 1.6.3 - internal server error 500 when getting XML file through a reverse-proxy Claude CHERRET (2009-08-12 08:49:14 CEST)
- SVN 1.5.3 and possible data loss John Jones (2009-08-12 11:33:17 CEST)
- upgrading old svn version to newer one st (2009-08-12 12:46:18 CEST)
- Upgrade schema version 3 to schema version 5 Wiebesiek, Torsten (2009-08-12 15:31:22 CEST)
- Delete all branches created/modified before a certain date? Johnny Lin (2009-08-12 15:47:23 CEST)
- problem with ACLs for subdirectories Markus Werle (2009-08-12 18:07:02 CEST)
- migration from clearcase to subversion Lynn Lin (2009-08-12 19:21:26 CEST)
- Re: Shell script to make or restore backups of repositories Martijn Ras (2009-08-12 20:04:17 CEST)
- SSL encryption Patricia A Moss (2009-08-12 21:03:17 CEST)
- Loading dump file into active r/w repository (2009-08-12 22:02:59 CEST)
- Submitting a changelist while obstructed item exists Nick (2009-08-13 06:34:34 CEST)
- RE: Building SVN 1.6.3 on SunOS 5.10 / Saloris 10 Srinivas (2009-08-13 08:25:31 CEST)
- RE: Filtering changes to svn:mergeinfo properties Alec Kalinin (2009-08-13 11:12:59 CEST)
- Tree conflict on locked file Rast, Frank (2009-08-13 11:15:09 CEST)
- The Directory Name Is Invalid Thomas Lehmann (2009-08-13 11:53:26 CEST)
- Checkouts - I think I've been doing it wrong for 3 years! Steve Klett (2009-08-14 04:34:02 CEST)
- a question about txn-current and txn-current-lock Jim the Standing Bear (2009-08-14 06:30:13 CEST)
- commited delete with uppercase/lowercase filename, what to do? Markus Kropf (2009-08-14 09:27:13 CEST)
- Which subversion release to use for Centos? Udo Palka (2009-08-14 12:34:57 CEST)
- bug w/ apache and ACLs? Markus Werle (2009-08-14 17:10:33 CEST)
- Hook Files Question Jake Stone (2009-08-16 05:36:40 CEST)
- Join 3 Files with History? Jan Hendrik (2009-08-16 10:56:13 CEST)
- Can't create project; getting errors Milan Dinić (2009-08-16 13:15:32 CEST)
- Repo is missing 1 rev - is everything irretrieveable? Tony Haddon (2009-08-16 23:14:52 CEST)
- Re: MIME types extension matching is case-sensitive petermity (2009-08-17 02:33:51 CEST)
- svn log -> "svn: REPORT of '/..." paptimusx (2009-08-17 05:13:58 CEST)
- insolvable merging problems nodje (2009-08-17 09:15:00 CEST)
- Checkout of files modified between 2 revisions fida aljounaidi (2009-08-17 16:21:48 CEST)
- What does txn-current-lock do? Jim the Standing Bear (2009-08-17 17:32:14 CEST)
- svnsync sync http://svn-bangalore/vlsi_svn_proxy_sync VamsiKrishnaPolisetty (2009-08-16 22:21:45 CEST)
- recursive find locks/unlock in repository Todd C. Gleason (2009-08-17 19:10:43 CEST)
- Can't copy to new branch because file exists?? (was Re: Confused about branches and partial switches) Brett Coon (2009-08-17 20:14:20 CEST)
- looking for one word to encompass trunk, tag and branch B. Smith-Mannschott (2009-08-17 21:52:04 CEST)
- SVN Commit and Properties BRM (2009-08-17 23:47:01 CEST)
- Pre-commit hooks and access to files Douglas Bullard (2009-08-18 01:05:16 CEST)
- SVN package sunfreeware - python bindings? Johan Corveleyn (2009-08-18 09:17:45 CEST)
- How to move a project Grzegorz Rumatowski (2009-08-18 09:22:48 CEST)
- Multi-master setup with Apache and NFS feasible ? Tobias Gierke (2009-08-18 10:36:58 CEST)
- svn installation Kamran Yaqoob (2009-08-18 11:56:58 CEST)
- Preview actions of update Aidan Samuel (2009-08-18 15:35:30 CEST)
- How to correct Bogus Date on repository Puig, Juan (2009-08-18 16:24:37 CEST)
- svnsync docs - start-commit hook does not work as described Dennis Schridde (2009-08-18 16:48:02 CEST)
- svn revert question Anto Marky (2009-08-18 18:12:23 CEST)
- svn list not supporting svn:externals John Bossom (2009-08-18 22:46:02 CEST)
- Re: Determining origin of branch David Carson (2009-08-19 00:39:39 CEST)
- Http timeouts? Ignacio Barrientos (2009-08-19 11:24:50 CEST)
- Pre-commit hook to ensure pngcrush has been used on every png Ryan Schmidt (2009-08-19 11:27:06 CEST)
- svn: Expected FS format between tejasdarji (2009-08-19 11:55:21 CEST)
- The Directory Name Is Invalid II Thomas Lehmann (2009-08-19 14:21:07 CEST)
- How do I call svn_client_list2 C API function from python via SVN API SWIG bindings? Tarmo Aidantausta (2009-08-19 14:23:29 CEST)
- SVN crosscompiling fails because of wrong paths Andreas Wehrmann (2009-08-19 15:50:47 CEST)
- using svn api from VB chandra mohan (2009-08-19 15:59:37 CEST)
- Serf vs. Neon Performance tests John Waycott (2009-08-19 16:12:02 CEST)
- signification of an error message fida aljounaidi (2009-08-19 16:13:12 CEST)
- is "svnadmin dump" a safe/atomic backup mechanism? James Ralston (2009-08-19 19:25:24 CEST)
- Broken BDB Repository Aikins, Ronald (Ron) (CIV) (2009-08-19 19:57:29 CEST)
- svn up with file lock and svn:keywords property set cause file to be touched Buhler, Doug (2009-08-19 23:44:34 CEST)
- Re: Python exception when accessing to an SVN repository with python 2.5 and SVN 1.5 Alecsandru Soare (2009-08-20 10:12:19 CEST)
- "Entry Point Not Found" in 1.6.4 from CollabNet Daniel Widenfalk (2009-08-20 11:02:20 CEST)
- RE: How can i replicate svn servers in remote site with read and write access? Julian Foad (2009-08-20 13:31:53 CEST)
- One file for SVN and HTTP auth Ognjen Blagojevic (2009-08-20 14:58:58 CEST)
- Feature request: retain query in Rob Hubbard (2009-08-20 16:11:16 CEST)
- When to merge into a branch from trunk? Giulio Troccoli (2009-08-20 17:09:40 CEST)
- Convert Surround SCM Database to Subverion Peter Siri (2009-08-20 17:09:47 CEST)
- Can't commit via DAV proxy Bogdan B. Rudas (2009-08-20 18:14:10 CEST)
- mod_dav_svn & X.509 certificate authorization Udo Rader (2009-08-20 18:15:17 CEST)
- svn:externals: same relative path to different repository Tyler Mace (2009-08-20 18:53:05 CEST)
- password cache warning, anyway to turn it off by default? James Yoo (2009-08-20 20:50:44 CEST)
- Clarification on checkout and post-commit update hook Dan King (2009-08-20 22:51:04 CEST)
- svnsync failing on large commit fred hoare (2009-08-21 00:32:38 CEST)
- SVN Implementation Plan Meghanath Chintakrindi (2009-08-21 02:48:33 CEST)
- How to make an interactive proxy authentication for svn Aleksandr Vinokurov (2009-08-21 09:08:02 CEST)
- Strange (or maybe not) result from merge trunk to branch Giulio Troccoli (2009-08-21 11:30:54 CEST)
- ipv6 support on windows? Ignacio Barrientos (2009-08-21 18:55:03 CEST)
- getting checkin errors:: svn: Connection closed unexpectedly Ravinder Pal S. Batra (2009-08-22 02:00:20 CEST)
- svnsync: Path 'infrastructure' not present Denis Onischenko (2009-08-22 12:52:47 CEST)
- svn st -u on a repos deleted path doesn't give expected result Fergus Slorach (2009-08-23 03:12:32 CEST)
- How to create a new repository Sam Carleton (2009-08-22 21:22:50 CEST)
- How to suppress subversion banner (mod_dav_svn) Vachirasuk Setalaphruk (2009-08-23 06:54:20 CEST)
- cross compile for iphone. but keep compile error, any suggestion? Payne Chu (2009-08-23 12:37:00 CEST)
- cross compile for iphone, but keep compile error, any suggestion? Payne Chu (2009-08-23 12:41:46 CEST)
- Svn property change on whole repository VojáÄek AleÅ¡ (2009-08-23 15:30:17 CEST)
- Issue 3264 Status - Large directory checkouts fail, connection forcibly closed Justin Johnson (2009-08-23 18:12:29 CEST)
- Issue 3264 Status - Large directory checkouts fail, connection forcibly closed Justin Johnson (2009-08-23 18:13:59 CEST)
- merging code in two separate directories dave fournier (2009-08-23 20:12:05 CEST)
- 2 repositories, how to branch into one, work there, then merge back? John Owens (2009-08-24 00:36:46 CEST)
- When will be come out 1.7 release? kukgini (2009-08-24 08:14:10 CEST)
- Subversion repository analysis tool t.n.a. (2009-08-24 08:21:56 CEST)
- setup svn at mochahost Man Tat Lam (2009-08-24 09:50:57 CEST)
- Deadlock on Post-Commit Script Jake Stone (2009-08-24 10:51:49 CEST)
- A lot of Warnings on make. axdmoraes (2009-08-24 13:33:38 CEST)
- Subversion 1.6.x build "configure Warning" Phil Pinkerton (2009-08-24 18:19:44 CEST)
- changing uppercase to lowercase huser (2009-08-24 18:23:38 CEST)
- Repository Format vs. Subversion Revision David Weintraub (2009-08-24 19:08:06 CEST)
- connection to svn with http Ilan Yaniv (2009-08-25 15:54:28 CEST)
- CHANGES file is not readable from web anatoly techtonik (2009-08-25 15:43:12 CEST)
- Embedded pager anatoly techtonik (2009-08-25 15:53:11 CEST)
- To upgrade or not to upgrade, that is the question... Sam Carleton (2009-08-25 15:37:23 CEST)
- sabayon checkout not working against https stephan schultchen (2009-08-25 15:31:57 CEST)
- SVN update problems, skips updates and files, II Thiago Galesi (2009-08-25 15:13:48 CEST)
- Subversion exception Aris van Dijk (2009-08-25 15:14:18 CEST)
- SVN GUI Repository Administration Muhammad Al-Noimi (2009-08-25 15:06:44 CEST)
- Re: 1.6.4 upgrade with apache Ryan Schmidt (2009-08-27 00:00:49 CEST)
- subversion 1.6.5 commit bug Andras Igneczi (2009-08-25 08:01:40 CEST)
- Automaticaly updating revision number Benoît Thiébault (2009-08-25 18:14:50 CEST)
- [Bug?] making a new subdir, moving files into it and then renaming the subdir, breaks history of the moved files Johan Corveleyn (2009-08-25 18:04:28 CEST)
- Pls clear me this issue. Shailaja Punam (2009-08-25 10:57:10 CEST)
- svn copy: Why different changes depending on various circumstances Keith Moore (2009-08-27 02:39:02 CEST)
- Cygwin's svn client cannot write to a windows https repository Steven Woody (2009-08-27 07:33:19 CEST)
- C# AssemblyInfo integration Yves Goergen (2009-08-27 08:48:58 CEST)
- Re: Sparse directory question / problem Jean-Yves Avenard (2009-08-27 11:29:04 CEST)
- Re: svn copy breaks on svn update Jan Hendrik (2009-08-27 13:35:35 CEST)
- Organizing repositories. Jacobo GarcÃa (2009-08-27 13:40:36 CEST)
- secure svn Melanie Pfefer (2009-08-27 14:01:22 CEST)
- Question re. mergeinfo property Daniel Widenfalk (2009-08-27 15:11:39 CEST)
- how to catch up when svnsync pc was offline? Phil Labonte (2009-08-27 15:17:44 CEST)
- Changing the method in existing projects after server problem Sander van der Wal (2009-08-27 16:13:09 CEST)
- unsubscribe Kim Backstrom (2009-08-27 18:53:40 CEST)
- Bug report generate by RapidSVN on Fedecora Jean AndrÄ— (2009-08-27 20:19:17 CEST)
- I suspect I can get svn info to do this but ... Paul Keating (2009-08-27 21:00:35 CEST)
- Check out only one project Javier Montani (2009-08-27 23:28:03 CEST)
- RE: Subversion 1.5.7 Released Yevgeny Zhiglov (2009-08-28 00:19:09 CEST)
- Linker issues building subversion on Windows Robert Dailey (2009-08-28 03:34:55 CEST)
- List all working directories from Subversion Server Rupa Bholanath Lahiri (2009-08-28 11:54:43 CEST)
- Serf Warning on Make axdmoraes (2009-08-28 14:26:26 CEST)
- Issues Loading a svn 1.4.2 dump on another server running 1.6.5 ? Phil Pinkerton (2009-08-28 15:07:52 CEST)
- Cannot commit moved directory after adding (and committing) a child Johan Corveleyn (2009-08-28 17:14:34 CEST)
- How to configure Apache2+SVN+PAM Alexandre Moraes (2009-08-28 19:58:36 CEST)
- Moved to a new Subversion server.... Patricia A Moss (2009-08-28 20:51:12 CEST)
- RV: 1.6.4 upgrade with apache Puig, Juan (2009-08-28 22:13:51 CEST)
- Newbie question Deb Heller (2009-08-29 00:43:14 CEST)
- SVN-abbreviation Edward Morden (2009-08-29 18:04:01 CEST)
- Fixing commit/import error Rich Shepard (2009-08-29 17:08:10 CEST)
- how can I change my password by SVN client? wenk (2009-08-30 10:59:49 CEST)
- segmentation fault Bill Szkotnicki (2009-08-30 13:08:25 CEST)
- svn - Entry Point Not Found Fred Hewett (2009-08-31 01:44:23 CEST)
- recovering svn repository? Akos Maroy (2009-08-31 01:26:25 CEST)
- Ignore on commit Pericius (2009-08-31 01:25:07 CEST)
- recovering svn repository? Akos Maroy (2009-08-31 01:03:29 CEST)
- Coping with BerkeleyDB Upgrades Rich Shepard (2009-08-31 00:40:07 CEST)
- How to configure SSL on SSPI? Michael Tang (2009-08-31 09:45:46 CEST)
- Can't access Collection of Repositories page Lynn Lin (2009-08-31 10:08:04 CEST)
- "This client is too old to work with working copy" [SOLVED] Soren 'Frank' Munch (2009-08-31 10:22:16 CEST)
- Problem using subversion https on OSX Marc de Kwant (2009-08-31 12:40:17 CEST)
- SVN Migration Fabio Rampazzo Mathias (2009-08-31 15:22:44 CEST)
- Svn Update Error REPORT <repo address>: 200 OK (<http myServer>) Puig, Juan (2009-08-31 15:41:43 CEST)
[Subversion] ·
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