On Jul 29, 2009, at 03:21, Dan B wrote:
> OK I just unistalled everything (again) and only reinstalled
> tortoise and the most recent Subversion (CollabNet). I made c://
> svnrepos the repository, the port 3690, and the host "localhost."
> Also, the installer allows me to tell svnserve to run as a service
> under these parameters, which I said yes to.
> Now I am able to see the repository through the file:/// protocol
> AND the svn://localhost protocol when I am actually on the computer
> hosting the repository. So the server must be working. However,
> the hitch is I still can't connect from another computer using the
> IP address and the port.
> The port isn't the problem, because I am not being actively denied
> access. The connection fails, it seems, simply because my host
> computer is not responding in a timely manner. So yes the
> repository is there and yes svnserve is running. Yes I can access
> it locally, through both the file and svn protocols. But no, I
> cannot access it remotely.
Ok, then I would imagine there is a firewall on the server that is
disallowing incoming connections. Maybe Windows has a built-in
firewall that has been configured to do this, or maybe there is a
third-party firewall program installed.
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Received on 2009-07-29 10:37:41 CEST