We recently updated to SVN 1.6.3. Today one of our developers was
trying something using SharpSvn and it's crashing the svnserve. I
believe it's a daily build of sharpsvn (v1.6003, build 1304) but all
the same I don't believe the server should crash. We ran svnserve
from the command line and it exited with
svn: In file
'C:\Projects\subversion-1.6.3\subversion\libsvn_repos\rev_hunt.c' line
1423: assertion failed (mainline_path_revisions->nelts > 0)
It happens gettign file versions. I've not used sharp svn but I got
the developer to give me a code snippet if it helps:
string fileName = Path.GetRandomFileName();
string newFilePath = Path.Combine(SVN_WORKING_FOLDER, fileName);
string newFileUri = SVN_REPOSITORY_URI + fileName;
Collection<SvnFileVersionEventArgs> versions = new
"AddFileThenCommitThenGetFileHistory: Initial file contents");
SvnAddArgs addArgs = new SvnAddArgs();
addArgs.Force = true;
SvnCommitArgs commitArgs = new SvnCommitArgs();
commitArgs.LogMessage = "Unit test:
// STEP 1: Add file and commit
Assert.IsTrue(m_svnClient.Add(newFilePath, addArgs));
Assert.IsTrue(m_svnClient.Commit(newFilePath, commitArgs));
// STEP 2: Get versions
out versions)); // this line kills it with svn protocol
Happy to provide any more information if it helps?
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Received on 2009-07-27 16:16:51 CEST