the following appears to be a bug in SVN:
when exporting from the HEAD revision, SVN appears to be adding a file
(as if the command was a copy rather than an export)
C:\my_project> svn export -rHEAD file.txt file.head.txt
A file.head.txt
Export complete.
C:\my_project> svn st
? file.head.txt
M file.txt
C:\my_project> svn --version
svn, version 1.6.3 (r38063)
compiled Jun 22 2009, 09:59:12
The same is true of a numbered revision.
Note that the file is not actually added, as can be seen from the
status. I'm using the version installed from Setup-Subversion-1.6.3.msi
on Windows XP. [Incidentally, this version was installed over a 1.5.x
installation, and required a "repair" following install.]
It seems to make no difference if exporting to a location outside the
working copy (e.g. upwards to the parent directory or "ancestor"
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