On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:05, Giulio
Troccoli<giulio.troccoli_at_uk.linedata.com> wrote:
> I am in the process of upgrading my Subversion server from 1.4.4 to 1.6.3. For the repositories I have decided to do a full dump/load cycle (dump with 1.4.4 and load with 1.6.3) after having taking the repositories off-line.
> During tests I have also notice a disk space save for our WCs. We do have two WCs on the server that we use for some peculiar automated work. I would like to "upgrade" these WCs too, but I would also like to minimise the down time.
> The WCs have been simply checked-out fresh during test, but this takes a long time (they are about 3.5Gb each). So, is there a way to do the same without checking out? Something similar to "svnadmin upgrade" for a repository?
Sorry to say, you're just spinning your wheels here.
There haven't been any significant space-saving changes made to the WC
libraries. What bloats the WCs is storing full pristine copies of what
you've checked out, and that hasn't changed in quite a few years (I've
been using SVN for 4 years and it's been true the whole time).
WC formats are automatically updated the first time your new SVN
client touches each WC, but you won't see more than a few KB saved.
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Received on 2009-07-21 16:12:20 CEST