On Jul 15, 2009, at 03:22, Himanshu Raina wrote:
> Since the data size is couple of GB's we are using checkout as
> opposed to svn export. The issue I'm facing is given below
> When I run svn update on my working copy in case a project of the
> same name already exists the update stops. Later when I remove the
> conflicting project (i.e rm project) and run svn update keeps
> running i.e. it doesn't return to the prompt. I tried cleanup and
> ran svn update again but no result.
> Morever what I have observed is usually svn update on working copy
> gives the following output
> [designer_at_myserver current]$ svn status
> ? himanshu
> Now suppose I commit project1 to my repo and run svn update on my wc
> svn: Failed to add directory 'himanshu': object of the same name
> already exists
> command finished
> On working copy the svn status gives
> [designer_at_myserver current]$ svn status
> ? himanshu
> ! . (! means item is missing (removed by non-svn command)
> or incomplete).
> Now how do I get rid of this??
Like Jochen, I'm unclear on exactly what commands you ran, what
happened, what you expected, or what you were actually trying to do.
But taking a guess: is it perhaps that you have a working copy of
your entire repository, and to create a new project, you create (with
your OS, not with Subversion) a new directory and start adding files
to it, and when you want to import it into Subversion you use "svn
import", and then you find when you "svn update" your working copy
that it complains that the project's directory already exists?
If so, there are a number of issues going on. Foremost is that "svn
import" imports an unversioned directory into the repository. It does
not transform that unversioned directory into a working copy, and the
intended workflow is that you then remove the directory and check it
out from the repository, or in your case, update the existing whole-
repository working copy that you already have. You may find it easier
to do a so-called "in-place import" instead of using "svn import".
The "in-place import" does transform an unversioned directory into a
working copy and you just continue using it, rather than having to
throw it away and get a new one, and is described here:
Finally, it is unusual to have a working copy of the entire
repository, because most repositories contain not only the trunk of a
project (or of multiple projects), but also branches and tags, and
there's almost no reason why you would want to check out the trunk
and all branches and all tags. Instead, it's usual to check out a
working copy of just the trunk or branch or tag of just the project
you're interested in.
If you want to continue using the single monolithic working copy of
everything, then you don't need "svn import" or the "in-place import"
to add a new directory; all you need to do is "svn add" and "svn
commit" it.
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Received on 2009-07-16 02:20:48 CEST