svn copy, branch & mergeinfo
From: Andrea <>
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2009 10:53:00 +0100
I've just started using the merge feature of svn and I have a question about branching
1) I create a branch (e.g. svn copy trunk_at_1234 branches/3.5)
Using a client like svn or tortoise I see which revisions have already been merged.
So my question is:
should "svn copy" add to the destination a merge info property (in this case
Given that copies and branches are just the same thing, I don't think that the answer should be
I've tried to manually change the property and it did the job.
I know that if I merge and revision in 1-1234 then nothing happens, but still the user would benefit
Has this already been discussed? If yes, I apologise, my google search did not produce much on the
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